Thank you for saving wild elephants!

Thanks to your kindness, two precious wild elephants have received urgent medical care from the Wildlife Ambulance.


A precious injured female elephant 

This gorgeous female was spotted by locals in the Aceh Besar regency. She was alone, and searching for food in community farmland. 

Sensing that something was wrong, the Wildlife Ambulance rushed to help her. After they safely sedated her, they were shocked to see a large, infected wound on her vulva. 

The team quickly started cleaning the infected area. They used antiseptic lotion to soothe the wound and clear the infection. She was also given a dose of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication to help her recover.

Aside from the wound, the team found her to be in excellent health. They were confident she would make a full recovery.



And sure enough, after her treatment, she happily made her way back into the forest, heading toward her wild herd! 

Your kindness is the reason this magnificent elephant was able to get the medical care she desperately needed. Thank you!


A brave young elephant in the wild 

You also helped another brave young elephant receive urgent medical care. This young boy was found alone and limping near community farmland. He was injured, frightened, and wandering aimlessly. He was clearly in need of help.

When the Wildlife Ambulance arrived, they quickly saw that something was wrong. His right front leg was bent at an awkward angle, and he was avoiding putting any weight on it. He was in pain.

After carefully sedating him to keep him calm and comfortable, they examined his leg. His foot was swollen and inflamed. Thankfully, there were no fractures or visible wounds. It’s likely he had torn a ligament—possibly from slipping while searching for food.

To ease his pain and speed up healing, the team gave him anti-inflammatory medication and mineral fluids. And despite his injury, the young elephant was otherwise in great health!

Thanks to your incredible support, he received the care he needed before things got any worse. Thanks to your kindness, this young elephant can live safe and healthy in his forest home.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to protect and save Critically Endangered elephants. Thanks to you, we can keep them healthy, safe, and free in their natural forest homes. 🖤


Program: Vet and Wildlife Ambulance 
Location: Aceh Jaya Regency, Sumatra, Indonesia 
Run by: Syiah Kuala University (UNSYIAH)

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Elephant News
