Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL) is a grass-roots NGO that strives to protect the Leuser Ecosystem and its biodiversity for the sake of Aceh's future. Their goal is to protect the Leuser Ecosystem: for the sake of the Acehnese communities whose livelihoods and survival depend on it, for the sake of its biodiversity, and for the sake of its global value.
The Leuser Ecosystem on the island of Sumatra consists of some 2.6 million hectares of diverse landscapes, 80% of which is in the province of Aceh. This globally unique ecosystem boasts Sumatra's most significant tropical rainforest remnant and is one of the richest representations of the biodiversity of Southeast Asia. Millions of people rely on the environmental services, particularly the water supplies, that the Leuser ecosystem provides. It is a major carbon sink, and the last place on earth where orangutans, rhinos, elephants and tigers still co-exist in the wild. Despite its special legal status as a National Strategic Area for its Environmental Protection Function, the Leuser Ecosystem is under severe threat from illegal oil palm and other plantations, logging, encroachment, mining and fires - all of which exacerbate the poaching pressure on critically endangered species.
FKL is led by the passionate and dedicated conservationist, Rudi Putra. He works tirelessly to save the Leuser Ecosystem and was awarded the Goldman Environmental Award in recognition of this in 2014. FKL has over 100 people in their team who patrol and work with local communities and law enforcement agencies to stop illegal plantations, logging and wildlife poaching. The focus of their work is:
Sumatran elephants are in a desperate situation within the Leuser Ecosystem. They are often being poisoned as they are viewed as an agricultural pest or caught in traps set for other animals. With funding support from the International Elephant Project (IEP), FKL has increased its monitoring and protection efforts for this Critically Endangered species. IEP has provided funds to purchase GPS collars for elephants so they can be monitored closely, and we are also funding the relocation of isolated, high-risk elephants to safer areas.